Compute nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) properties.
This command supports calculation of NMR shielding tensors at Hartree-Fock and DFT level of theories.
Below is an example input for calculating NMR shielding tensors on all nuclei of a water molecule at HF level of theory:
structure( molecule = water )
ao = 'Def2-SVP'
We can also specify the indices of nuclei on which the NMR shielding is computed using atoms, for example,
structure( molecule = water )
ao = 'Def2-SVP'
atoms = [1]
Alternatively, one can also specify the type of nuclei on which the NMR shielding is computed using type, for example,
structure( molecule = water )
ao = 'Def2-SVP'
type = O
Indices of atoms for which the NMR chemical shifts are computed. Note that indexing starts at 1. If not provided, the NMR chemical shifts are calculated for all nuclei.
- The type is [int]
- There is no default value.
- The value must be positive
Convergence threshold for the iterative subspace solver, tested on on the infinity norm of the residual vectors.
- The type is real
- The default is 1e-6
- The value must be positive
Whether to use the incore algorithm to compute the NMR properties. The incore algorithm requires about 64 * N^3 GB of memory where N is the number of basis functions. Therefore, this is only recommended for small molecules.
- The type is bool
- The default is false
Threshold for removing linearly dependent vectors based on the square of singular values of the matrix.
- The type is real
- The default is 1e-10
- The value must be positive
Name of result set from which to load orbitals from a previous dft or hf calculation.
- The type is string
- There is no default value.
Maximum number of iterations for the iterative subspace solver.
- The type is int
- The default is 128
- The value must be positive
Specify the name of a set of results.
This option is deprecated.
- The type is string
- There is no default value.
Threshold for orthonormalization of the suspace vectors.
- The type is real
- The default is 1e-10
- The value must be positive
Print level.
- The type is int
- There is no default value.
- The value must be one of:
- No output-1
- Minimum output0
- Output that doesn't scale with system size1
- Output that scales linearly with system size2
- (Debugging) output that scales quadratically with system size3
- (Debugging) output that scales cubically with system size
Whether to compute indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling constants (i.e. the J-coupling constants).
- The type is bool
- The default is false
Specify the type of nuclei for which the NMR chemical shifts are computed.
- The type is string
- There is no default value.